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專業(yè)銷售 CHECKLINE Instruments 超聲波厚度計,扭矩測試儀,扭矩扳手

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  • 更新時間:2024-06-18

簡要描述:CHECKLINE Instruments 超聲波厚度計,扭矩測試儀,扭矩扳手

ELECTROMATIC Equip't Co., Inc. was founded in 1958 with the purpose of providing cost effective solutions for industrial measuring applications. Our CHECKLINE Instruments are well-known throughout the world for providing superior value and performance and are backed by industry-leading warranties. 

Our knowledgeable Application Engineers can be reached via our Toll Free ephone lines to:
  • Discuss application requirements
  • Recommend standard models best suited for the application
  • Discuss modified or custom-designed models when our standard models do not satisfy the application requirements
  • Provide after-sales technical support should any questions or problem arise
  • Arrange 10-day free trials on most models
  • We have highly-trained technicians staffing our in-house service facility who repair all of the instruments that we sell as well as perform NIST-traceable Calibrations.
  • We thank you for visiting our Web Site and look forward to the opportunity of being of service to you.

:    -8007

: www.annovatech.com
: caoye513



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